So how does this all work?

All casino card games have a house edge. Baccarat has the lowest edge of any card game at just over 1%. What the system does is exploit that low edge and turns it in the player’s favor.

After spending two years of research I identified that there is use a math theory called the law of averages to exploit anything close to 50% over long serious of hands. The more I learned, the more I identified minor adjustments to be made when you playing online vs playing in-person. These adjustments make it more efficient and less risky and I am proud to say I was able to accomplish just that. I ended up developing software that does all of the math for the player as well as provides in-depth analytics and analysis that helps the player the more they play. The app is great for teaching new players how to play but also great to use as a helper if you decide to play in an online casino. The app can get the player 80% there, the other 20% is the education that I teach to maximize each player’s understanding and keep their risk level as low as possible.

This isn’t a get rich quick scheme, using the system requires patience and being able to take your emotions out of all your play. You aren’t going to win big instantly and at times you will get very frustrated but just know it is all part for the course and the number one rule is simple: STICK TO THE SYSTEM AT ALL TIMES. NEVER START GAMBLING. If you can commit to those things then this methodology really can be life changing and provide you consistent cash flow.



I go by @banksyforever across Discord, Telegram, and Signal. I chose not to share my identity publicly because I don’t want any casino to find out who I am and how my method and system works. At this point it is unknown to casinos. With any potential client, I have no problem sharing my identity and tell you more about myself as we will be doing an introduction video call and future video calls.


  • I developed this system over 2 years. I took a math theory and used my skills with computer programming to create a Baccarat system that can create cash flow with as little risk as possible.

  • I was able to successfully take $10,000 and turn it into $300,000 over 6 months using this system.

  • I love to solve hard problems and industries like the casino industry have always been ones that I do not like because they sucker people in with the promise of winning big only for the majority of people to lose every time. That was the motivation for why I started this and I am happy to say that it works and when done right can provide you a lot of success.

  • I am not here to tell you it is easy, it is not. It is not a trick or a scam or for people who are expecting to win big instantly. It takes time and patience and removing your emotions from the equation to be done properly. But if you can commit to those things then this software and system really can be life changing.


I want to be complete honest with each and every client of mine and not sugar coat it. Originally I never wanted anyone to know how to do this and never wanted to share my system but things change. The reason I decided I wanted to sell this and not just use it myself anymore is a quite simple and personal one. I have battled with alcohol and drug problems most of my life and I am happy to say I am completely sober now. But at this point in my recovery it has become difficult for me to spend as much time as I have in Las Vegas playing. As much as I love it, I know my limitations as a human and putting myself in situations that I could give into my weaknesses is not worth any amount of money in my opinion. So I thought long and hard about it and decided to open up this unique opportunity.

What i accomplished Playing in person

After doing over a year of testing through simulations, online play, and in person play, I decided to put things to the real test and I ended moving to Las Vegas so I could play. I went out there with only a $10k bankroll. Over the course of 1200 play hours, I was able to turn that $10k into $310k.


the software

Monthly Subscription With Online Coaching

Get anytime access to the Nameless Baccarat App with full support throughout your onboarding process. We will give you unrestricted access to all the information you need to be successful. The app does all the calculations for you, so you can use it to play online with ease. You can also join our online community and discuss strategy with other players, and get real time answers to any questions you may have.

Nameless Academy

Learn How To Play In Person

Nameless Academy is a 1-on-1 coaching program where we will teach you everything you need to know to be able to use our approach in person. It is the secret sauce. It teaches you how to do what the software does so you can use it in person. It consists of 1-on-1 video sessions, unlimited direct messaging, and a personalized tracker helping you learn everything you need to know. Nameless Academy Members also receive an exclusive opportunity to subscribe to the software at a drastically discounted rate.



  • I want to be complete honest with each and every client of mine and not sugar coat it. Originally I never wanted anyone to know how to do this and never wanted to share my system but things change. The reason I decided I wanted to sell this and not just use it myself anymore is a quite simple and personal one. I have battled with alcohol and drug problems most of my life and I am happy to say I am completely sober now. But at this point in my recovery it has become difficult for me to spend as much time as I have in Las Vegas playing. As much as I love it, I know my limitations as a human and putting myself in situations that I could give into my weaknesses is not worth any amount of money in my opinion. So I thought long and hard about it and decided to open up this unique opportunity to a lucky few.

  • The system works only with Baccarat.

  • Yes but there is a catch. The casinos must be regulated. Online casinos are known to cheat and if you start beating the wrong one, they can do some tricky things to make you lose. Through this program I will tell you the do’s and don’t’s of online gambling and where to never play.

  • I intentionally leave out any pricing on the website for I only want serious clients and can be flexible based on their individual needs. What I care about is the player being trustworthy and willing to put the work in to be successful. No matter what, it is not a cheap product for it provides value that is hard to come by.

  • No, not one bit. You aren’t doing anything that is considering cheating nor card counting or anything like that. You are exploiting the odds of the game and turning it against the casino. The only risk you run is if you win too much in the same place over a long period of time they may ask not to play there anymore but will always give you your winnings.

  • No I am not saying that and I want to make it clear there is always a chance to lose. But with that said, statistically you are turning the odds in your favor so much that if you do lose it will happen so rarely that you still are making a large profit. The system is designed has long term cash flow not winning big like a jackpot and it is important to understand that going into it.