
Killer Whale - Software Player

“I started using the Nameless baccarat system a few months ago on the recommendation of a friend of mine. I was told I could consistently earn money by beating baccarat.. OK i thought, I have heard this before. Nobody can win consistently against the casino. People have tried for hundreds of years and Casinos keep getting richer on fools who think they can win. So I thought. I have played my fair share of games in Casinos both online and in person, and even considered myself pretty decent. But every time I won using any system, I always gave it back and more…TILL NOW!!!

The Nameless system is not luck, and it’s not very exciting… you just make money consistently. Not to say there are not some tense times and some temporary drawdowns, but in the end, you always walk away in the green unless you screw up somehow, which is pretty hard to do once you get a good feel for it. I tried it for a few thousand hands playing the simulators online and was so surprised…I then took it to the real online Casinos using real money and haven’t looked back since. It’s crazy. I only play when I’m bored or have extra time on my hands and last month (my first month) I made over $11,000 playing small size… This month I’ll make over $20,000 playing slightly bigger…. I’m talking $2 units here with a few days playing $5…imagine when I’m playing $20-$50 units…. or more. I have included my 1st month spreadsheet showing all my withdrawals and matching bank records, because I know how skeptical people can be… I was too. The guys running it have been super supportive and are just amazing people I now call friends. They are literally changing peoples lives.

The only caveat I would include is you do need to have a bankroll to get started and you can’t go changing the rules … but the software literally tells you what to do.. I know it sounds too good to be true, because we are all brainwashed to think if it sounds too good to be true…it must be…or no such thing as a free lunch… whatever, this system works…Oh and don’t worry, the casinos will be just fine…let them take money from others and give us our small piece of that pie. Good luck and HAVE FUN!”

Vegas Pope - Academy Player

“I was lucky enough to meet Banksy in Las Vegas back in June. Watching this man play at a table is like watching a machine. I was lucky enough to convince him to teach how he did it and wow it is in mind-blowing. I've been playing regularly in Vegas (3-4 times a week) and have never lost my bankroll. I'm up $98k since July. My two biggest takeaways from this experience have been 1. Taking your human feelings out of it is critical to success and 2. Stay flexible and learn everything you can, the system is not meant to be rigid. Good luck people.”

ReaLifeFuSion - Academy Player

“I’ve used the system now in three different live casinos! Don’t get distracted and break from the rules, that’s how you lose. Stick with it and it works!! I’ve steadily built my bankroll from $3K to $7.5K. New target is $10K.”

K2000 - Software Player

“My first month using this strategy was definitely a learning experience, I encourage everyone to start small in betting units to get acquainted with the system, if you follow the rules, it works wonderfully.

For my second month, I decided to "get real" by increasing my bankroll, betting 2€/units and starting withdrawing part of my gains (keeping some in the casino to grow my bankroll at the same time), and these are my results so far.”

Texas Degen - Software Player

“Like everyone else I've talked to in the last 4 months, I was extremely skeptical when Banksy reached out to me about his strategy. I even had an advantage - back in summer 2022 Banksy had already started telling me he had a strategy. Through some failed crypto projects we lost touch for awhile but back in October 2023 he reached back out to me.

He had spent that time running test and upgrading his app and he was ready to share it with me. Still skeptical, I agreed to run test since my wife was out of town and I had nothing better to do. 3 hours later I knew I had to be part of this. It's truly amazing.

Now I have 4 months of running the simulator nearly daily. I've helped maybe 20ish people play so far and all have been skeptical first, and then amazed. One thing I hated, but couldn't change, was the fact it's different in a simulator verse when real money is on the line.

That's when I challenged myself to a test. Deposit $100 and see how long it takes to hit $1000. Only 2 transactions, no bonuses, allowed. Also, I'm a very busy person with IRL, kids, my help at Nameless, and at BlockGuard so it's not like I was able to put 10 hours a day into this.

Well the experiment is done. It took 6 days of just doing this while my wife slept or when I had a few free minutes. One thing I want to be clear on: I started with 105 units. This worked for me and I had months of practice, but I would NEVER recommend this. It is was to little and while I think the system would work most the time, it'd certainly fail some times. Once I hit $250 (250 $1 units) I felt much more comfortable and could take a deep breath.

Also during this time I took a 30 unit loss 6 times. It's not just up , up ,up. There are some downs and you have to have emotional control. You have to follow the app. You have to withhold your thoughts that you know what is next. If you can do that with emotions at bay, I truly believe this is a life changing opportunity for a lot of people.

Thank you Banksy for developing this and making it available to some people who have been burnt so badly the last couple years. I invite everyone to take a chance, even just with a free money simulator, and see the results for yourself! LFG!!!”