What does the software do?

On a basic level the software does all of the math and analysis for the player to know what to bet on and how much to bet. It also runs through a series of analytics to inform the player on what to do in certain situations and assess risk level allowing the player to make an informed decision if they should take on the risk or close out, reset, and keep playing.

The goal with the software is to make it as easy as possible on each player to know exactly what to do when playing online in a live casino. Think of the software as a helper that you have up in a different window as you play in a live casino and you just follow exactly what it tells you.

The software does 80% of the work for the player, the other 20% is how we teach you to use the software to mitigate your risk and set you up for success. We do this during the onboarding process. We aren’t going to have you just start using the software without you fully understanding how it works and giving you the chance to practice

We want you to understand these important factors before you start playing with money:

  1. The basic functionality of the app

  2. All of the analytics that can help you make informed quick decisions

  3. The different actions you can take while playing

  4. The right bankroll for you so you are setup for success with minimal risk

  5. And lastly, showing you exactly how we play so you can understand it, follow it, and be setup for maximum success

What’s the process for me to start using the software?

Sign Up For A 7 Day Free Trial


It all starts with you signing up to start. We want you to be able to play around with the software and really begin to understand it before you ever have to pay for it. My philosophy is simple, I do NOT want you to take my word for it and would much rather have the software speak for itself. Once you sign up, we will ask you to join our Discord as it is the easiest place for us to be able to consistently communicate with you and also gives you the ability to talk to other players.

Learn How The Software Works And Practice Without Using Real Money


At this point in the process, I want you to first know we are here to hold your hand through the process to set you up for success. It all begins with understanding the basics of the software and terminology. Upfront, the other part I really want each player to understand is emotional control. It is KEY to success. Removing fear and greed and playing for gains not jackpots is how we do things. We will have you start practicing in a free baccarat simulator that is the closest thing out there to replicating live play. After a day or two of playing in there, we will have you sign up and login to an online casino that works in your jurisdiction and offers a live casino. From there you will simulate your play like you are actually betting when in reality you are not putting any money up and just practicing. This will really help you feel prepared to start playing.

Learn To Play Exactly How We Do


Now you really have a grasp of how the software works, how to use it while playing in an online live casino, and the different actions you have to adjust strategy if need be. My goal here is to get you to play exactly as I do and the rest of our players so you are set up to be the most successful. The goal is for you to get to a point of comfort where you can eventually begin to play 2 tables simultaneously and be able to really maximize your time. At this point as well you will have access to all the information you need to understand different situations and how to get out of them. A few days of practice here and you will be ready to go live.

Start Playing With Real Money


It’s time for the moment you have been waiting for! It is time to play with real money. At this point you should be full prepared to be able to play with real money and be set up for success. Don’t worry we are not going anywhere, you can still reach the team in Discord and talk with other players about all things baccarat. We can’t wait to get you started!

“It’s crazy. I only play when I’m bored or have extra time on my hands and last month (my first month) I made over $11,000 playing small size… This month I’ll make over $20,000 playing slightly bigger…. I’m talking $2 units here with a few days playing $5…imagine when I’m playing $20-$50 units…. or more.”


  • The software costs $1k a month to use after your 7 day free trial. Included in the cost s is being taught the exact way we use the software to our advantage with the smallest risk possible.

  • The system works only with Baccarat.

  • Yes but there is a catch. The casinos must be regulated. Online casinos are known to cheat and if you start beating the wrong one, they can do some tricky things to make you lose. Through this program I will tell you the do’s and don’t’s of online gambling and where to never play.

  • No, not one bit. You aren’t doing anything that is considering cheating nor card counting or anything like that. You are exploiting the odds of the game and turning it against the casino. The only risk you run is if you win too much in the same place over a long period of time they may ask not to play there anymore but will always give you your winnings.

  • No I am not saying that and I want to make it clear there is always a chance to lose. But with that said, statistically you are turning the odds in your favor so much that if you do lose it will happen so rarely that you still are making a large profit. The system is designed has long term cash flow not winning big like a jackpot and it is important to understand that going into it.

  • Unfortunately, there are certain places that make it really difficult to be able to play online specifically the 46 states in the US that do not allow online gambling. If you are in one of those states and are very interested in this then I would suggest the Academy as it will teach you how to do it in person.